Sunday, February 9, 2014

Holy Canoli

I can't believe it's almost a year since I had my baby. Um... lately it seems like I've never slept in my life. Tomorrow is my birthday, then next month Virginia Lane turns 1!!! This is so surreal. I feel like I just became a mom. I can't even imagine how my husband must feel. Now there are two amazingly beautiful gorgeous wonderful little ladies in his life (one of which is me). I'm wanting to start running so that I can be a healthy mama for my baby and, if its the Lords will, my future babies. To answer a few questions, no she's not walking yet. Yes, she still eating everything she can find (on the floor, yay immunities). And no, we're not planning on having anymore anytime soon (but we don't know or control the will of the Lord). We are however, planning to have a joint birthday party for Virginia Lane, Wuelito, and Titi Aixa at Wuelito's house next month. We're not doing anything big, just a few family members and her godparents. I'm so thankful for all the love, support, and help over this past year with my new baby. Not that she's an old baby, but she is becoming a toddler. That's crazy to say... a toddler! Holy cow!!
Did I mention my husband thought I was a whole year older than I really am?!?!!????!! (<= Special sentence just for him.)
Man, I'm so lucky. I have a wonderful husband to love me and frustrate me... and love me and frustrate me. (In that order, lol.) I have an amazingly, beautiful, daughter who never ceases to amaze me. I am blessed with blood and non blood family who are so supportive and loving that it's unreal. I've been given plenty of opportunities to be reminded of how God loves me and is trying to use me to do His will. I just... am prayerful that I'm able to hear and listen to Him as He works and has His hands on my life.

With all that said, I am having a hard time with dealing with my anger righteously. I know its a curse that seems to have deep roots, but I'm learning that I don't always have to react to things... We read scripture today from the book of James and I just need to post it all over my house, in every room, on every wall, to remind me how to conduct myself. I'm just very fortunate... I keep thinking that. I am hoping to do what the Lord has willed for me and truly understand His plan by not knowing what His plan is for me. Does that make sense? I'm really just excited to see how my life will unfold according to the Lord's will.
Anyhow, my daughter has been given a great opportunity to do a little modeling for a friend who has a photography business, so hopefully I will be able to have those pictures and post them soon. At least by her birthday! Please keep me, my little family, and every aspect of my life (maybe not EVERY aspect) in your prayers and thoughts. Thank you for reading this and taking the time. I pray you are blessed!!

The Griglen Family

Thursday, October 31, 2013

33 weeks

Can you believe it? My girl is 33 weeks! We are watching Plaza Sésamo as we speak! :) She's saying Mama, Papa, bye and a bunch of stuff that is just stuff. :) She's singing too! It's the best! :) She's crawling and opening her snack containers by herself. She doesn't much care for dogs and likes to yell at kids when she plays because she gets excited. She LOVES swinging and going to the park, ESPECIALLY with her Pop. :) She's in 12-18 month clothing and in less than two weeks will be 8 months! :'( What?!?!?!!! I keep asking her what she wants for her birthday party lol. We are going to focus on Christmas, her new prima (Margo Mae), then three kings, then O's and my birthdays, THEN her birthday next! ;) She'll be one year in March! Oh my gosh, I'm going to cry! Rod is amazing with her, though. She sure loves her Papi. They are best franz. :) Well, enjoy the photos! Thanks for stopping by! I don't have much time to type a bunch, but I just HAVE to share these photos!!! <3<3

And here is my YouTube channel where I put a TON of videos of her because she's constantly entertaining everyone. She's my favorite!!! (I hope it works! Let me know if it doesn't work!)

God bless you all!
Rod, Kimberly, and Virginia Lane

Towards the top are photos Wuelito took of her Dedication ceremony from 10/26/2013!! LOVE YOU ALL!! - The Griglens